

Coek Engineering NV, with registered offices at 2440 Geel (Belgium), Liessel 13, company number 0405.790.788, +32 14 58.83.40, www.coek.be, as well as all affiliated companies, hereafter ‘Group Coek’, handles personal data with the utmost care at all times.

This Privacy Policy indicates which personal data is collected and how it is used, as well as how Group Coek seeks to ensure an adequate protection of the data concerned.

Group Coek will observe the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, hereafter ‘GDPR’.
In addition, Group Coek will ensure to comply, to the extent possible, to the provisions of the implementing decisions that are taken in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.

1. Personal data

Personal data entail any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is considered to be ‘identifiable’ if he can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural of social identity of that natural person.

As a controller, Group Coek can collect e.g. a data subject’s name, address, telephone numbers, e-mailaddress and IP-address.

2. Processing of data

Group Coek will provide sufficient security regarding the personal data that is stored and processed.
Both Group Coek and her appointees will take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the processing that will take place.
As far as possible and can reasonably be expected, Group Coek will make sure that the personal data she has in her possession is updated and that incorrect, incomplete and redundant personal data are corrected or deleted.

Moreover Group Coek will, as far as possible and can be reasonably expected, make sure to only grant limited access to the personal data to her appointees. This access will be restricted to those appointees that need the personal data in order to execute their duties or to what is necessary information with regard to the requirements of the department.
In this manner Group Coek will attempt to offer an appropriate level of security for this personal data and the processing thereof.

The data subject will be required to provide all requested personal data to Group Coek because it is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract and to enable the execution of that contract.
In case the data subject does not provide the requested personal data, Group Coek will not be able to render the services that have been demanded.
Group Coek makes use of profiling in order to carry out targeted mailings of newsletters. This way Group Coek will attempt to inform her clients only regarding campaigns and products they might show a particular interest in.

3. Purpose of processing

Group Coek will process this personal data for different purposes. For any type of processing, only the personal data that are necessary in order to achieve the aforementioned purpose will be processed.

Group Coek will pursue the following purposes in particular:
– …

4. Legal basis for processing

The processing of personal data by Group Coek will be based on the following legal bases:
– consent given by the client/data subject;
– necessity for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the taking of pre-contractual measures;
– necessity for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Group Coek, namely to ensure the continuity of its business activities,
– compliance with all legal or regulatory provisions that Group Coek is subject to.

5. The sharing and transfer of data

In principle, Group Coek will only share the personal data with others if the data subject has given its consent to do so or if it is necessary in order to complete a transaction, to deliver a product or to render a service.
If necessary, the personal data will also be shared with Group Coek’s suppliers, in case it is legally required, in case Group Coek is involved in a dispute with the data subject, in order to protect Group Coek’s clients, in order to guarantee product safety and in order to safeguard Group Coek’s (property) rights.

Group Coek will not transfer the personal data concerned to third countries or international organizations.

6. Retention period of data

The personal data that have been collected will be processed by Group Coek throughout the entire period that the data subject calls upon the services offered by Group Coek.
When a data subject no longer uses the services offered by Group Coek, his personal data will be stored by Group Coek for a period of ten years starting from the end of the partnership with the data subject, unless certain legal statutes of limitation or retention periods should demand a longer period.
This period will give Group Coek the opportunity to fulfil her legal obligations, ensure requirements are abided by, disputes are settled, security is maintained, fraud or abuse is prevented, etc.

7. Data subject’s rights

Group Coek will facilitate the execution of the data subject’s following rights:
– the right of access to its personal data;
– the right to rectification of incorrect personal data;
– the right to erasure of its personal data;
– the right to restriction of processing of its personal data;
– the right to data portability;
– the right to object to automated individual decision-making.

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to withdraw its consent regarding the processing of its personal data at any time. However, this withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on that consent before its withdrawal.

To this end the data subject will need to send an e-mail in this regard to the following e-mailadress: [*].
Group Coek will respond promptly and in principle within one month, to the data subject’s request.

8. Final provisions

Should the data subject believe that the processing of its personal data constitutes a breach of the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject will have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

Group Coek explicitly reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time, without any prior notice.