

The design team operates in accordance with ASME, Tema, AD Merkblatter and HTRI. For every application Coek aims for the most reliable solution.

Pressure vessels, columns, heat exchangers can be designed to all international codes and regulations.  This is valid both for unique equipment installed at a specific location or for serial production items with a variety of possible end destinations.

In addition to standard code calculations, supplementary calculations such as FEA analysis, fatigue analysis, thermal analysis, vibration analysis… can be performed. For those analyses, Coek Engineering can rely on in house professional expertise.

Each project is assigned to a project engineer. The project engineer is the key person during the life of a project. He/she will be the contact person for the customer and the link between all other people and departments involved in the project.

Preparation of  the design, adherence to the client specifications, instructions to and assistance of the draftsmen,  inspection plan set-up, … it is all in the hands of ‘your’ project engineer.